Thursday, February 16, 2012

Paging Dr. Nestle

If you are trying to take someone's mental temperature, I think a better question than how are you, would be how many times have you blatantly eaten chocolate chips from the bag in the past week? I swear it is not just me that has called upon a Rx from Dr. Nestle. There is something slightly cathartic that comes from nibbling on chocolate chips. Over the previous four days, I have eaten probably two decent size handfuls. Naturally, not as an actual handful. That would be barbaric. I have eaten them one chip, maybe two chips at a time. Eaten them while I watch TV. Eaten them while I zone out on Pinterest. It is always end of the day, or during the kids naptime. Essentially, it is always when I am not going to get caught by the three-footer. However, my habit was sort of busted up the other day. Three footer asked me for chocolate at 8 a.m. No, of course you can't have chocolate. Why would you even ask? Because it's right there. Right where? Right there! Sure enough, three-footer's finger was pointing straight at an open bag on the table. How much am I a glutton that I can't even muster the energy to close and put the bag away? Kids might as well be wandering through empty wine bottles on the floor. Same, same.

I am trying to channel my blues into something more productive or anything really that will keep my grubby hands away from that bag. Although today is grocery shopping day. I fear a jar of Nutella is calling my name...

Thanks for reading.

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